IPPL has been in the business of handling LPG since 2001 and today the company handles around 33% of total LPG imports of the country. In the continuous endeavor for the growth of the company, safety has always come first, and IPPL has adopted the highest International Safety Standards in all its projects and operating practices. In its operations of the Terminal for more than a decade not a single man day has been lost on account of any safety hazards or non-compliance of safety standards. IPPL works conscientiously to maintain health and the highest standards of safety in all its workplace. At IPPL health and safety is an essential part of the movement towards sustainable development.
While energy bolsters our progress, developing affordable technologies for energy conservation is empowering. We endeavour towards providing clean and efficient energy and lay down solutions for its eco-friendly utility. Our initiatives collaborate to employ cutting-edge technologies and act cohesively towards sustainable development and climate change. Exploring for renewable energy is the key to unlocking competent energy sources and their applications where access is ‘less power usage and more energy output’. This will also be a move to mitigate global warming and reduce greenhouse gas emissions. This pathway is seen to stabilize climate change, lower the energy-based emission and bring along with the multiplier benefit of impacting climate change positively.
Taking care of our surroundings begins with us. With a focus on Sustainability and Eco-Growth, the company commits itself to draw up far-reaching plans. While striving to follow the three ‘R’s of recycling: Reduce, Reuse and Recycle, we add another ‘Re-Invent’ and discover other methods to protect our environment. Adding thrust to our drive, we will also undertake organizing clean-ups, hold awareness programs to save water and electricity, decompose leftovers to produce compost and plant more trees. In addition, for a cleaner environment, ingenious methods to use natural resources will further save landfill for waste disposal.
The three cornerstones of well-being sustainability are financial freedom, environmental protection and justice for all. The company proposes an immersive three-pronged approach to promote social and economic well-being. The well-being of an individual is achieved when it is linked to improving society as a whole and also its surroundings. It is to be realized jointly through environmental awareness and allied education.With our framework of sustainable welfare schemes and the right educational awareness, we aim to maximize the outcome of the CSR projects. Our drive also contributes towards the understanding of safety and welfare while collaterally offering practical guidelines for implementing our initiatives through these educational programs.
To lessen the downside of global warming we need to action towards climate change. This can be achieved this when greenhouse gas emissions are neutralised by removing them from the atmosphere. The company has set a goal of achieving net-zero emissions. Recognising this urgent task we have laid down our net-zero vows. This is similar to climate neutrality where the emissions cannot be avoided but reduced as close to zero as possible in the net-zero emissions setting. This is the aim of the company. Towards that, we take the first step of implementing necessary actions leading to a significant shift towards this significant goal.